ArcPad 10.0.3 Top 3

I know you are all as excited as I am about the release of ArcPad 10.0.3, but why are we so excited?
Let me break it down for you in a bit more detail with the ArcPad 10.0.3 Top 3:
#1 ArcPad AXF Extension for FME – This was one of the top ranked topics on the ArcPad Ideas Forum ( The ArcPad AXF Extension for FME allows ArcGIS users with FME 2011 SP4 to achieve the following:
- Browse AXF files in ArcCatalog
- Drag and Drop AXF files into ArcMap
- Export AXF files into a Geodatabase
#2 Python Support in ArcPad for Windows – In order to use Python as a scripting language in ArcPad, both the Python programming language (typically installed with ArcGIS 10) and the PyWin32 Python Extensions for Windows, are required. This allows for the use of Python Scripting in the ArcPad for Windows environment only. In ArcPad Studio, a Python tool has been added to allow for the use of Python Scripting during customisation of ArcPad Projects. If you have ArcMap installed on the same machine, you can now access the ArcPy module from within ArcPad.
#3 Updated StreetMap Datasets – StreetMap is used for geocoding, high quality cartographic display and the calculation of routes with driving directions. The ArcPad StreetMap Extension is based on StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS data derived from the TomTom (formerly TeleAtlas) dataset and now includes data for Europe in addition to North America. This extension is part of core ArcPad functionality and is included at no extra cost. It supports the Smart Data Compression (SDC) format and enables display, address geocoding, reverse geocoding, and routing capabilities. TomTom have provided an update to the StreetMap Premium Datasets for Europe and North America.
We have also improved localisation, updated our documentation, improved the ArcPad Toolbox Tools and much more.
ArcPad 10.0.3 – Get Excited!
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