Bring your Maplex Labeling into ArcPad

The ArcPad Label Engine is able to create labels for your feature layers, but it does not support the advanced rule-based label placement of the Maplex Label Engine. Adding support for Map Annotation into the ArcPad Graphics Layer in ArcPad 10.0.2 allows users to bring their existing Maplex Labeling into their field projects.
Create and place your labels using the Maplex Label Engine and then convert them to Map Annotation. Map Annotation can then be exported into ArcPad using the ‘Get Data for ArcPad’ wizard (all Map Annotation Groups) or the ‘Export Graphics Layer for ArcPad’ command on the ArcPad Data Manager Toolbar (export each Map Annotation Group separately). Your Map Annotation will now be available to display in ArcPad as a Graphics Layer!
Using this method will support all Maplex Labeling except for spread characters, text formatting tags and curved positions. To incorporate these labels into your ArcPad project, you can use a map tile cache to create a background image of your basemap features and labels. (
Labels: graphics layer, label, maplex
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