Using a ToolBox Model to create a customised ArcPad Check Out (PART 2) continued...
Some of you may have noticed a flaw in the model that I showed for creating an automated check out in my post
It would probably be smarter if you copy the newly created data to your device, rather than the template ;)

Now, somebody did ask on that posting, for more info on the Destination string for this model. The destination string needs to be of the form "dev:\foldername". So, if I was to double click on CECopy in my model, I would see the following dialog box. the Source_FileSpec field is automatically populated with Target AXF (that comes from the model) and I simply added dev:\ to the Destination field to copy the file to the root directory on my mobile device.
It would probably be smarter if you copy the newly created data to your device, rather than the template ;)

Now, somebody did ask on that posting, for more info on the Destination string for this model. The destination string needs to be of the form "dev:\foldername