Using a ToolBox Model to create a customised ArcPad Check Out (PART 3)
For more explanation on using this model, the previous posts are still valid
The updated model and help document is now on the ArcPad resources page at
As per before there is reference in this model and help document to a tool called cecopy.exe (for optionally copying to a connected mobile device). This is a microsoft tool and you will download that seperately from
The two changes in this current set of files are:
1) folder path location has changed - i now use the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\ArcPad\Samples\AXFCopy
2) Removal of AXFCopy.vbs. The vbs seems to be obsolete now, I simply added AXFCopy.exe as the script in Toolbox in ArcMap 10.
Today I tested successfully with ArcGIS 10 SP3 and ArcPad 10. There is no reason why this model wouldnt continue to work with older versions of ArcGIS or ArcPad, or even ArcGIS/ArcPad 10.1.
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