The ArcPad Team Blog

Unofficial stuff from the team behind the World's leading mobile GIS platform

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Latest versions of Software / Firmware related to ArcPad as of: DECEMBER 2006

When things go wrong with your ArcPad project, the first thing to check is that your using the most current software and firmware. Below is a list of all ArcPad related releases. FYI - We plan on posting updates of this list (for regular reference).

Organisation Software / Firmware Current Version No
ESRI ArcPad 7.0.1
ESRI ArcPad Application Builder 7.0.1
Microsoft Active Sync 4.2
Trimble GeoExplorer 2005 Series OS Firmware 5.1.13
Trimble GeoExplorer 2003 Series OS and GPS Firmware 2.00.02
Trimble GPS Correct 2.11
Trimble GPS Analyst 2.0
Magellan Mobile Mapper CE OS Firmware 2.91
Magellan Mobile Mapper GPS Firmware E031

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

NSW Road Traffic Authority installs ArcPad Wireless Extension LinkPad

After a series of statewide trials the Road Traffic Authority of New South Wales in Australia has installed the CommandMap system for real time incident reporting.

CommandMap is expected to be available to RTA staff in the 1st quarter 2007. RTA staff can then record incidents on their ArcPad Mobile GIS system anywhere in the state while the information is viewed at the RTA’s Sydney Traffic Management Centre (TMC) which runs ArcGIS Server. Field staff have opted for both GPS enabled Panasonic Toughbook computers as well as wireless enabled PDAs. Initial trials have shown great success with real time recording of data as well as photos which are viewed at the TMC in Sydney

The rollout by RIA MobileGIS is the latest of a string of organisations that have been testing this technology using Telstra, the national telco service.

Please send your ArcPad story to us at to showcase here.

Friday, December 01, 2006

New Website

Maptel’s new website went live yesterday evening.

Check it out and let us know what you think.

Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards

Hilton Brisbane, 9th November 2006

Maptel was honored to be named National Winner for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the recent Asia Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards. Maptel’s award was presented by Mr. Brian Nicholls, General Manager, AAMHatch Pty Ltd in recognition of their success with their mobile GIS product, ArcPad®, being chosen for the United States Decennial Census in 2010.
The US Census Bureau has appointed Harris Corporation of Florida as the system integrator and prime contractor to develop and implement an automated system for field data collection. Harris will use the ArcPad mobile GIS platform supplied by ESRI Inc. to enable the field personnel to capture and record data in near real time.
Known as the FDCA program the system will support upto 500,000 field 'enumerators' who will follow up and collect survey data from households that do not return their census forms.

Matthew Prokuda accepts Maptel’s ASPEA plaque and glass trophy