The ArcPad Team Blog

Unofficial stuff from the team behind the World's leading mobile GIS platform

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ArcPad 10 @ BPC/DevSummit

Catch up with the latest developments with ArcPad @ ESRI Worldwide Business Partner Conference and 2010 ESRI Developer Summit in Palm Springs - next week.
The ArcPad Team will be attending, so catch up with Kerry, Jian, Jen, Rui & Elvin.
ArcPad 10 brings the following great enhancements:

*Custom Forms for Related Tables
*Support of ArcGIS Online & Bing Maps
*Integration with ArcLogistic Navigator (purchase of Navigation Data required)
*Improved Photo & Camera Experience
*Quick Capture Toolbar
*Data Manager for ArcGIS 10
*Significant Performance Improvements

ArcPad Sessions:
Where & When: Monday, March 22, 2010, 1:00pm-1:45pm, Primrose C (PSCC)"Mobile GIS" with Jen and Jeff

Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 2:45pm-4:00pm, Mesquite C (PSCC)"Programming and Design Patterns for ArcPad ". with Elvin

Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 6:00pm-7:30pm, Oasis 4 (PSCC) "Meet the Teams"
ArcPad Focus Group - contact Kerry ( by COB Friday 19 March 2010 if you would like to attend (numbers limited ) Wednesday March 24, 2010 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m, Smoketree F

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Welcome Hannah

The ArcPad team warmly welcomes Hannah Ferrier to our ranks.

A forestry graduate from The Australian National University Hannah has gained considerable field GIS experience in the forestry industry in ACT, South Australia and Victoria.
Hannah was also a MAPS volunteer that ably assisted in the aftermath of the devastating 2009 Victorian Black Saturday bushfires.
Her bright and bubbly personality is most welcome.

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Tuesday, March 09, 2010

ArcPad 8 and ArcPad Studio 8 Training in Portland, OR - Registration still open

ArcPad training workshops in Portland, Oregon

Time is running out. Register for one or both classes.

ArcPad 8 Bootcamp - March 15/16

ArcPad Studio 8 -March 17/18

The 2-day hands-on ArcPad 8 Bootcamp™ is a must for new ArcPad users or users migrating to ArcPad 8. It is also great for GIS administrators who manage and support field crews using ArcPad.

The 2-day ArcPad Studio with Enterprise Management Tricks and Tips workshop is the only one of its kind for ArcPad power users and Mobile GIS administrators wanting to maximize the success of their Mobile GIS projects by harnessing the customization capabilities and advanced deployment techniques in ArcPad 8.

The workshops are led by instructor Craig Greenwald of GeoMobile Innovations Inc., a 7 year veteran of the ArcPad Team. The training will be conducted in Portland, Oregon at the Metro Regional Center (600 NE Grand).

Students can sign up for one or both classes. The cost of each 2-day workshop is $795.00 and includes course materials and media to take home. A special rate of $1490.00 is available for students who sign up for both classes which run consecutively for a total of 4 days (May 15 -18th) of information packed ArcPad training.

Time is running out for registration but there are seats available in both classes. Those interested are encouraged to register quickly.

For more details, please visit:

or, email:

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Thursday, March 04, 2010

ArcPad Training In Australia

Our friends at RIA Mobile GIS are again running training courses for ArcPad - this time in Melbourne, Australia, on the 18th and 19th May 2010. For information on signing up go to: